
Welcome to the beginnings of the GMT Research Library. We’re trying to collate as much information as possible on the hundreds of Asian frauds perpetuated in public markets over the past few decades. If you have any additional names or comments on the frauds, please drop us a line at

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Yearsorting01 Namesorting01 Tickersorting01 Sectorsorting01 Last Updatedsorting01
Aug 2011 Zungui Haixi Corp ZUN/H CN Consumer Discretionary 29 Nov 2021
Mar 2023 ZTO Express (Cayman) Inc. ZTO US Industrials 17 Mar 2023
Nov 2010 ZST Digital Networks Inc. ZSTN US Information Technology 20 Dec 2021
Zoom Technologies ZOOM US Information Technology 17 Jan 2022
Dec 2006 Zhongguo Jilong ZJL SP Consumer Staples 20 Feb 2022
Mar 2008 ZhongHui Holdings ZHL SP Industrials 14 Feb 2022
Nov 2020 JOYY Inc. YY US Communication Services 17 Jan 2022
Jun 2011 Yuhe International Inc YUII US Consumer Staples 19 Dec 2021
Feb 2011 AutoChina International YUANF US Financials 25 Sep 2021
Yucheng Technologies YTEC US Information Technology 17 Jan 2022
Mar 2018 Yangtze River Port & Logistics YRIV US Industrials 10 Oct 2021
Jan 2017 Yiren Digital Ltd. YRD US Financials 1 Apr 2022
May 2011 Yongye International YONG US Materials 17 Jan 2022
Jan 2023 Full Truck Alliance Co. Ltd YMM US Industrials 3 Feb 2023
Dec 2002 Yue Fung International Group Holding Ltd YFINTQ HK Information Technology 30 Jan 2022
Youbisheng YB1 GR Materials 17 Jan 2022
May 2007 Xinhua Finance Media Ltd XSELY US Communication Services 17 Jan 2022
Jun 2000 Xerox Holdings Corporation XRX US Information Technology 11 Mar 2022
Apr 2012 Qiao Xing Universal Resources XINGF US Information Technology 11 Nov 2021
Winner Medical Group WWIN US Health Care 17 Jan 2022

Source: Shortsellers' websites, Bloomberg, Companies, GMT Research.