
Welcome to the beginnings of the GMT Research Library. We’re trying to collate as much information as possible on the hundreds of Asian frauds perpetuated in public markets over the past few decades. If you have any additional names or comments on the frauds, please drop us a line at

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Yearsorting01 Namesorting01 Tickersorting01 Sectorsorting01 Last Updatedsorting01
May 2019 Tunghsu Optoelectronic Technology Co Ltd 000413 CH Information Technology 15 Feb 2022
Jan 2019 Kangde Xin Composite Material Group Co Ltd 002450 CH Materials 17 Jan 2022
Nov 2019 HLB Inc. 028300 KS Consumer Discretionary 8 Aug 2022
Jan 2022 Osstem Implant Co., Ltd 048260 KS Health Care 27 Jan 2022
Feb 2016 Celltrion Inc 068270 KS Health Care 22 Mar 2022
Mar 2012 Daqing Dairy Holdings 1007 HK Consumer Discretionary 4 Oct 2021
Dec 2018 Hengan Intl 1044 HK Consumer Staples 5 Apr 2022
Jul 2007 EganaGoldPfeil Holdings 1051682D HK Consumer Discretionary 23 Sep 2021
China Agrotech 1073 HK Industrials 17 Jan 2022
Mar 2021 Brilliance China Automotive Holdings Ltd 1114 HK Consumer Discretionary 15 Dec 2022
Oct 2017 Tibet Water Resources Limited 1115 HK Consumer Staples 12 Sep 2021
Mayer Holdings 1116 HK Materials 17 Jan 2022
Mar 2015 Anxin-China Holdings Ltd 1149 HK Information Technology 9 Oct 2021
Dejin Resources 1163 HK Consumer Discretionary 17 Jan 2022
Nov 2015 Pacific Andes International Ltd 1174 HK Consumer Staples 24 Jan 2022
Jul 2009 FU JI Food and Catering Services Holdings Ltd 1175 HK Consumer Staples 13 Dec 2021
Pearl River Tyre 1187 HK Energy 17 Jan 2022
Aug 2019 Realord Group 1196 HK Industrials 17 Jan 2022
Mar 2017 National Agricultural 1236 HK Information Technology 5 Feb 2022
Oct 2013 Prince Frog International Holdings Ltd 1259 HK Consumer Staples 17 Oct 2021

Source: Shortsellers' websites, Bloomberg, Companies, GMT Research.