

Enron Corporation (13765Z US (ENRNQ US))

Year: 2001

Last Updated: 18 May, 2023

Integrated natural gas and electricity company Enron listed on the NYSE in 1980. Questions first started being asked about its financial transparency in March 2001 with an article published by Bethany MacLean in Fortune Magazine. In April, CEO Jeffrey Skilling infamously called a fund management an a**hole for asking a question about adequate disclosure. He then resigned a few months later in August. In October, Enron reported a loss which included a US$1bn charge against structured finance operations. This led to an internal investigation being opened later that month. In November, the company disclosed that it had overstated earnings since 1997 by US$586m. It then filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in December. Enron is a confirmed fraud.

Last updated May 2023

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